Murray Socio-Economic Activation Taskforce (MSEAT)
MSEAT is a collaborative meeting of Southern NSW leaders, led by RDA Murray, to ensure that issues of importance from across the vast geographical expanse of the Murray Region are accurately conveyed to the Federal Government through monthly regional intelligence briefs and National Cabinet meetings.
“We know that COVID-19 in addition to Bushfire recovery, is having a significant impact across the economic, environmental and social conditions of the Murray region. Given the diversity of communities we represent, it is important we listen to each industry, community and region to understand how they are faring and advocate for solutions that meet local needs.“
The key objective for MSEAT is to improve economic recovery in the region through collective interaction. Sharing evidence to improve job and business growth strategies, strategically address workforce issues and advance local procurement strategies. Outcomes from this will be:
- Increase the number of people in jobs in the region
- Increase investment in capital, businesses and infrastructure in the region
- Increase the level of procurement from businesses in the region
- Optimise alignment between Australian, NSW and Local Government economic development strategies and activity in the region.
MSEAT members follow an agreed structure, terms and priorities to support activation and investment in the Murray region. Members meet monthly in 2021.
MSEAT Meeting Notes:
RDA Murray Ministerial Briefings (based on feedback from Regional Leaders)